Good news… the Shanghai Metro is about to get even longer! The Shanghai Metro company has announced that the extension to Line 11 will open on Saturday, August 31 2013.
While the current Line 11 links the northern suburbs of Anting and Jiading with Jiangsu Road station, the new line will add 12 new stations south of Jiangsu Road. The line first heads south, intersecting with Line 10 at Jiaotong University and Line 1 and 9 at Xujiahui.
It then heads south with 4 more stops in Puxi, at Shanghai Swimming Center, Longhua, Yunjin Road and Longyao Road, before heading into Pudong with stops at Oriental Sports Center (Line 6 & 8 interchange), Sanlin, East Sanlin, Pusan Road, Yuqiao and Luoshan Road.
The full list of new stations is:
- Jiaotong University 交通大学
- Xujiahui 徐家汇
- Shanghai Swimming Center 上海游泳馆
- Longhua 龙华
- Yunjin Road 云锦路
- Longyao Road 龙耀路
- Oriental Sports Center 东方体育中心
- Sanlin 三林
- East Sanlin 三林东
- Pusan Road 浦三路
- Yuqiao 御桥
- Luoshan Road 罗山路
Several of the new stations have designs inspired by their locations: Longhua has a gold roof inspired by Longhua Temple while Jiaotong University Station has a literary theme, with artworks based on manuscripts belonging to scientist Qian Xuesen.

Luoshan Road, the new eastern terminus will be a interchange station with Line 16, anticipated to open at the end of this year. Line 16 will carry on further into Pudong, terminating near Dishui Lake.

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